
Our library is well equipped and automated with internet facility. The library is divided into two sections. Reference and General. The library will be kept open from 9.30 am. to 4.30pm. on all days except on Sunday and Public Holidays. Books for reference are reserved for consultation in library and are not lent out. A student is permitted to borrow only two books at a time.
Books taken out by student shall not be retained for more than one week. Failure to return a book on the date on which it is due entails a fine of 1 Rupee per day for each volume retained (Sunday and Holidays being excluded). Books taken in the vacations shall be returned on the first working day of reopening the college.

A student against whom any fine or other due is outstanding or against whom disciplinary action has taken will not be allowed to borrow books. If the fine or other dues is not paid within a month, the student will not be permitted to attend classes.

Transfer or sub lending of books is strictly prohibited. Any marking, underlining etc. of any book, manuscript or map belonging to the library is absolutely forbidden, books which have been borrowed from the library must be returned forthwith on question and failure to do so will incur a special fine.

In case of missing a book the student concerned will have to report the matter immediately to the librarian, in case the book is not traced within a week, he shall pay three times the price of the book or replace it. Identity cards will be issued to student from the library. When a card is lost a duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs. 10/

College Resource